Ride with Confidence: How to Push on a Skateboard!


Skateboarding is more than just a sport; it’s a way of life for many. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skateboarder, mastering the basics is crucial. One fundamental skill every skateboarder must learn is how to push effectively. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to become a pro at pushing on a skateboard.

Safety First in How To Push On A Skateboard:

Before diving into the world of pushing on a skateboard, let’s talk about safety. Wearing the right gear is non-negotiable. Always put on a helmet, knee pads, and wrist guards to protect yourself from potential falls and injuries. And remember, practice in a suitable location away from traffic and pedestrians.

Skateboard Basics

Understanding the anatomy of your skateboard is essential. Your skateboard consists of several parts, including the deck, trucks, wheels, and grip tape. Each component plays a role in your overall experience, from stability to maneuverability.

Proper Stance

Getting your stance right is the foundation of pushing on a skateboard. Your front foot should be positioned across the skateboard with your toes pointed forward, while your rear foot stays on the tail, ready for action. Depending on your comfort, you might adopt a regular or goofy stance.

Balancing while Pushing

Maintaining balance while pushing is a skill that improves with practice. Keep your weight centered over the board, and focus on your posture. Slight adjustments in weight distribution will help you stay steady on your board.

Pushing Techniques

The basic pushing motion involves pushing off the ground with your rear foot while keeping your front foot firmly on the skateboard. After each push, bring your rear foot back onto the skateboard in preparation for the next push. The key is to find a rhythm that works for you.

Pushing Styles

There are different pushing styles to suit various skateboarding scenarios. Long strides are great for cruising, while short kicks may be more suitable for tricks. Experiment with different styles to find what works best for your skating goals.

How to Push Faster

Speed is a thrill on a skateboard, and pushing faster requires a combination of power and technique. Focus on extending your pushes and maintaining a steady pace. Practice will help you build the strength and endurance needed for faster pushes.

How to Get Better at Pushing on a Skateboard

Improvement comes with consistent practice. Set aside time for regular skate sessions and work on your pushing technique. Don’t be discouraged by initial challenges; persistence is key to getting better.

How to Keep Pushing on a Skateboard

Long rides can be tiring, but there are ways to combat fatigue. Ensure you have proper hydration and take short breaks if needed. Building your stamina gradually will also help you keep pushing for longer distances.

How to Kick Push on a Skateboard

Kick pushing is a versatile technique where you use your rear foot to generate momentum. It’s especially handy for maintaining speed. To kick push, simply push off the ground with your rear foot while keeping your front foot on the skateboard.

Turning and Steering

Learning how to turn and steer while pushing is crucial for controlling your skateboard. To initiate a turn, shift your weight in the desired direction while continuing to push. Experiment with leaning and carving to master your turns.

Practice Tips

Practice makes perfect, so make the most of your skate sessions. Incorporate drills and exercises into your routine to improve your pushing skills. Consistency is key to becoming a skilled skateboarder.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Skateboarders often face common problems like wobbling or losing balance while pushing. If you encounter these issues, don’t fret. Check your stance, practice more, and consider seeking advice from experienced skateboarders.

Advanced Pushing Techniques

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can explore advanced pushing techniques like pushing switch (with your non-dominant foot) and pushing while performing tricks. These techniques add depth to your skateboarding repertoire.


Mastering the art of pushing on a skateboard is an essential skill for any skateboarder. It opens up a world of possibilities, from cruising down the streets to performing impressive tricks. Remember to practice, stay safe, and enjoy the thrill of skateboarding!


Q1. How long does it take to master pushing on a skateboard?

A1. The time it takes to master pushing varies from person to person. With consistent practice, you can become proficient within a few weeks to a few months.

Q2. Can I skateboard without protective gear?

A2. It’s strongly recommended to wear protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and wrist guards, to minimize the risk of injuries while skateboarding.

Q3. What’s the difference between regular and goofy stances?

A3. In a regular stance, your left foot is forward, while in a goofy stance, your right foot is forward. The choice depends on your comfort and balance.

Q4.How fast do electric skateboards go?

A4.Curious about the speed of electric skateboards? Join us as we explore the thrilling world of electric skateboards’ top speeds, safety considerations, and the factors that influence their velocity..

Q5. What type of skateboard is best for beginners learning how to push?

A5. For beginners, a standard skateboard with a stable deck and medium-sized wheels is ideal. These boards offer a good balance of stability and maneuverability for learning to push.

Q6. How do I know if my skateboard is the right size for me?

A6. Your skateboard should feel comfortable under your feet. The deck width should match the size of your shoes, and the length should be proportional to your height. A skate shop can help you find the right fit.

Q7. Can I learn to push on a longboard instead of a regular skateboard?

A7. Yes, you can learn to push on a longboard. Longboards are known for their stability and are often preferred by beginners for learning how to push and cruise comfortably.

Q8. Are there any specific exercises to improve balance while pushing on a skateboard?

A8. Yes, there are exercises like balance board training and practicing one-foot balance on the skateboard that can help improve your balance while pushing.

Q9. How do I choose the right wheels for pushing and cruising?

A9. For pushing and cruising, choose wheels that are medium-sized (around 52-54mm) and with a hardness rating between 78A and 87A. Softer wheels provide a smoother ride on rough surfaces.

Q10. What’s the best way to maintain my skateboard for optimal pushing performance?

A10. Regularly check your skateboard for loose trucks, worn-out bearings, and damaged grip tape. Keep your bearings clean and lubricated and tighten any loose hardware to ensure a smooth and safe ride.

Q11. How do I avoid speed wobbles while pushing at high speeds?

A11. Speed wobbles can be avoided by maintaining a stable stance, slightly bending your knees, and making gradual weight shifts. Practice controlling your speed on gradual slopes before attempting steep hills.

Q12. Can I push switch (with my non-dominant foot) even if I’ve been pushing with my dominant foot for a long time?

A12. Yes, you can learn to push switch at any stage in your skateboarding journey. It might feel awkward at first, but with practice, you can become proficient with both feet.

Q13. Are there specific drills to help me improve my pushing technique?

A13. Yes, there are drills like “pushing in a straight line” and “stop-and-go pushing” that can help you refine your pushing technique and build muscle memory.

Q14. What’s the best way to build stamina for longer rides on a skateboard?

A14. To build stamina, gradually increase the distance of your rides and take short breaks as needed. Incorporate aerobic exercises like jogging and cycling into your fitness routine to improve endurance.

Q15. Is it possible to push and steer effectively on a skateboard with loose trucks?

A15. Loose trucks can make it more challenging to steer and control your skateboard. It’s advisable to adjust your trucks to a medium tightness that suits your riding style for better control.

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