What Makes a Skateboard Good: A Guide to Finding Your Perfect Ride

Discover what makes a skateboard good for your unique style. Dive into the components, performance factors, and emotional connection that define the perfect skateboard. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced skater, learn how to choose wisely for an exhilarating ride.

what makes a skateboard good

Skateboarding is more than just a sport; it’s a culture, a lifestyle, and an exhilarating way to express yourself. But behind every thrilling trick and smooth ride lies a fundamental question: What makes a skateboard good? Choosing the right skateboard can be a deeply personal and emotional decision, as it can significantly impact your experience on the board. In this article, we’ll dive into the intricate details that define a good skateboard and help you find your perfect ride.

Skateboard Components

At the heart of every skateboard are its components, each playing a vital role in determining how it performs. The deck, for instance, is your canvas for self-expression, and its material, size, shape, concave, and cocktails all contribute to your control and comfort on the board. Emotionally, the deck becomes an extension of your style and identity, allowing you to make a statement with your ride.

Trucks, those metal axles that hold your wheels in place, affect your skateboard’s stability and responsiveness. The material, width, and tightness of trucks are factors that connect you to the terrain beneath you, providing a tangible sense of control that’s difficult to put into words.

Wheels are where the rubber meets the road, quite literally. The size, hardness, durometer, and shape of wheels dictate how you roll and turn. The right set of wheels can make you feel like you’re gliding on air, while the wrong ones can make every bump and crack in the pavement a heart-pounding experience.

Bearings might be the smallest components, but they have a huge impact on your speed and ride smoothness. The ABEC rating defines their precision, and properly maintained bearings can keep you cruising effortlessly. There’s something strangely satisfying about the sound of well-oiled bearings, like a comforting heartbeat guiding your journey.

Skateboard Performance

A good skateboard isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about how it performs. The feeling of control and stability, especially for a novice skater, is a rush of adrenaline mixed with the joy of accomplishment. Picture yourself gliding effortlessly down a hill, feeling the wind in your hair and the world at your feet – that’s what a good skateboard offers.

Maneuverability is the essence of skateboarding. The way your skateboard turns, pivots, and responds to your every subtle movement is a direct connection between you and the pavement. It’s like a dance partner that anticipates your every step, leading to the perfect trick or graceful turn.

Speed and smoothness are inseparable from the skateboarding experience. The right combination of bearings and wheels can make your ride feel like a seamless dance, a symphony of motion and sound. The satisfaction of a smooth ride is akin to a sweet melody that soothes your soul.

Skateboard Durability

Your skateboard isn’t just a tool; it’s a companion on your journey. The materials used in its construction, from the deck to the trucks, impact its durability. A skateboard that withstands the test of time becomes a trusted friend, always ready for the next adventure.

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your skateboard in top shape. Cleaning and oiling your bearings, replacing worn-out components, and performing routine checks ensure that your skateboard remains reliable. The emotional bond you form with your board only deepens as you care for it, creating a sense of responsibility and pride in your ride.

Skateboard Suitability for Skill Level

Choosing a skateboard that matches your skill level is like finding the perfect mentor. For beginners, a forgiving and stable skateboard can be a source of confidence and motivation. It’s like having a patient teacher who guides you through the initial challenges of balance and control.

Intermediate skateboarders crave a bit more challenge and versatility. The right skateboard for this level provides room for growth and experimentation. It’s like leveling up in a video game, unlocking new abilities and tricks that push your limits.

Advanced skaters demand high-performance skateboards that can keep up with their skills and creativity. These boards become an extension of their body, enabling them to execute complex tricks and maneuvers with precision. The emotional connection here is like that of an artist and their favorite brush – an intimate partnership that produces masterpieces.

Personal Preferences and Riding Styles

Skateboarding is an art form, and like any artist, you have your unique style and preferences. Finding a skateboard that resonates with your personality and riding style is like discovering your creative medium. Whether you prefer the raw street vibe, the gravity-defying thrills of vert skateboarding, the cruising elegance of longboarding, or the artistic flair of freestyle skateboard complete, your skateboard becomes the canvas for your self-expression.

Budget Considerations

Budget can be a practical concern in the quest for the perfect skateboard. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between quality and cost. A skateboard isn’t just an object; it’s an investment in your passion and happiness. Saving up for the right board is an emotional journey, a testament to your dedication and commitment to skateboarding.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

The skateboard industry is filled with diverse brands, each with its own reputation and identity. Researching these brands and reading reviews is like asking for recommendations from trusted friends. It’s a way to connect with the broader skateboarding community and make an informed decision based on collective wisdom and experiences.

Construction Materials

When it comes to what makes a skateboard good or bad, one of the most critical aspects to consider is the choice of construction materials. The materials used in the construction of your skateboard play a pivotal role in its performance, durability, and overall quality.

Deck Material: The Foundation of Your Ride

The deck, often considered the heart and soul of your skateboard, is where it all begins. Decks can be constructed from various materials, each with its unique characteristics:

  • Maple Wood: Maple wood is the most common and widely used material for skateboard decks. It’s prized for its strength, durability, and flexibility. High-quality maple decks are made from multiple layers of veneer, often seven to nine plies, to achieve the right balance of strength and flexibility. These decks are preferred by many skateboarders for their responsiveness and pop.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo decks have gained popularity for their eco-friendly properties and flexibility. Bamboo decks can provide a smooth and lively ride, making them a preferred choice for some riders. However, they may be more prone to snapping or breaking compared to maple decks.
  • Composite Materials: Some skateboard brands experiment with composite materials like fiberglass or carbon fiber to enhance deck performance. These materials can offer unique characteristics, such as added strength or reduced weight, but they are less common in the market.

Truck Materials: Stability and Control

The trucks on your skateboard are responsible for maintaining stability and allowing you to control your board. Truck materials and design are vital factors in how your skateboard handles:

  • Aluminum: Aluminum is the standard material for skateboard trucks due to its combination of strength and lightweight properties. High-quality aluminum trucks strike a balance between durability and responsiveness.
  • Magnesium: Some skateboarders opt for magnesium trucks, which are even lighter than aluminum. These trucks may offer increased maneuverability and reduced weight, but they can come at a higher price point.

Wheel Materials: Rolling Smoothly

Wheels are your point of contact with the ground, affecting your ride’s speed and smoothness. The material and durometer (hardness) of your wheels can significantly impact your skating experience:

  • Urethane: Urethane wheels are the industry standard, known for their durability, grip, and versatility. The durometer of urethane wheels varies, with softer wheels providing more grip, and harder wheels offering increased speed.
  • Polyurethane: Polyurethane is a common material used in skateboard wheels, offering a good balance of durability and performance. High-quality polyurethane wheels provide a smooth and predictable ride.
  • Rubber: Some specialty wheels use rubber compounds for specific purposes, such as enhanced grip or shock absorption. These wheels are less common and typically cater to specific skateboarding styles.

Understanding the materials used in your skateboard’s construction allows you to make an informed choice that aligns with your preferences and riding style. Keep in mind that the combination of these materials, along with other factors like size and shape, creates the unique personality of your skateboard.

What Makes a Bad Skateboard?

While our focus has been on finding the perfect skateboard, it’s equally important to understand what makes a bad skateboard. A subpar skateboard can quickly turn your skating dreams into a frustrating ordeal. Here are some key factors that contribute to a disappointing skateboard:

  1. Low-Quality Components: Skateboards assembled with cheap, substandard components are a recipe for disaster. Inferior materials in the deck, wheels, trucks, or bearings can lead to rapid wear and a lackluster performance.
  2. Inadequate Construction: Poor craftsmanship in skateboard construction can result in issues like warped decks, misaligned trucks, or improperly drilled holes, making it impossible to achieve a smooth, controlled ride.
  3. Unsuitable Size and Shape: A skateboard that doesn’t match your body size or skating style can hinder your progress. Ill-fitting skateboards may lead to discomfort, instability, and an overall lack of control.
  4. Lack of Safety Features: Safety should always be a priority. Skateboards without essential safety features like non-slip grip tape, protective gear, or reliable braking systems can put you at risk of accidents.
  5. Absence of Warranty or Support: Reputable skateboard brands often offer warranties and customer support. Purchasing from unknown or unreliable sources may leave you without recourse if your skateboard experiences issues or defects.

By understanding what makes a bad skateboard, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your investment in skateboarding is a rewarding one. Now, let’s get back to exploring the essential qualities that define a good skateboard.


In the end, what makes a skateboard good is not just its components, performance, or durability. It’s the emotional connection it forges with you, the rider. Your skateboard becomes a mirror of your personality, a partner in your adventures, and a canvas for your self-expression. So, when you’re on the hunt for the perfect skateboard, remember that it’s not just about finding a piece of wood, metal, and wheels – it’s about finding yourself and your place in the world of skateboarding. Choose wisely, and let the journey roll on.

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